TP on 9.2.2009

Topic: Operating a Computer

Sub-topic: Switch on and off the computer

Year 1

Teacher introduce the lesson to the pupil on how to operate the computer by switching on and off the computer. Teacher recall previous lesson on basic parts of the computer such as system unit, mouse and monitor. Teacher demonstrate the proper operational procedure on how to switch on and off the computer. Start from the system unit where the switch on button is located and showing them switch on button for the monitor.

Teacher show how to switch off the computer after window interface appear.

Teacher asked them to switch on and off the computer in pairs as a practise.


Same as above. Teacher given written execise


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Siti Rozasademawatty 08D0313 Shbie 2008-2009:Diploma in Eduacation(in service) Ministry of Education under Department of Planning and Estate Managemet