Teaching practise week 13 - week14


Year 1A
Im still teaching the pupils mircosoft paint application. im given them task to draw any pictures using basic shape and fill in colour of the the pictures using tool available in the paint program. eg ice cream picture.

kindergarden (PRA A)

For the kindergarden kid, im recaping the basic part of the computer using mircosoft powerpoint application. Basic part such as monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. For the activity, im using hot potatoes activity such as quiz, matching, etc to test their understanding through IWB. (group activity)



For this week, im teaching the pupils with the introduction to mircosoft word. Teacher demonstrate how to launch and close the application and introduce tool available inside such as bold, font name and size, etc. For the activity, im instructed the pupils to type their name and class and asked them to bold their name.

kindergarden (PRA A)

This week, im introduce them to mircosoft paint. Teacher demonstrate to the pupils to write alphabet ABC using pen or brush in paint tool box. Pupil are instructed to divided themselves into 2 group and asked to come infront to IWB to participate the activity.

click below to download Lp week 13 and 14

LP week 13 and 14


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Siti Rozasademawatty 08D0313 Shbie 2008-2009:Diploma in Eduacation(in service) Ministry of Education under Department of Planning and Estate Managemet